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Minimum Required for Windows 10

If you want to install Windows 10, you must read minimum required for windows 10.

To install and run Windows 10 on a PC, there are minimum hardware and software requirements that you should meet for a smooth experience.

You can download Windows 10 ISO here:

After you install Windows 10, you can buy Windows 10 Pro product key for $25/key (lifetime) to activate it here:

Minimum Required for Windows 10

Hardware Requirements:

  1. Processor: 1 GHz or faster processor or SoC (System on a Chip).
  2. RAM: 1 GB for 32-bit or 2 GB for 64-bit.
  3. Hard Disk Space: 16 GB for 32-bit OS or 20 GB for 64-bit OS.
  4. Graphics Card: DirectX 9 or later with a WDDM 1.0 driver.
  5. Display: 800×600 resolution.

These are the absolute minimum hardware requirements. However, to have a more comfortable experience, it’s recommended to have higher specifications:

Recommended Hardware:

  1. Processor: Multi-core processor with clock speeds well above 1 GHz.
  2. RAM: 4 GB or more for 32-bit or 64-bit.
  3. Hard Disk Space: 128 GB or more for comfortable storage.
  4. Graphics Card: DirectX 12 compatible for better performance and graphics features.
  5. Display: 1920×1080 resolution for optimal clarity.

It’s worth noting that these requirements might not be sufficient for resource-intensive tasks like gaming, video editing, or running multiple demanding applications simultaneously. In those cases, you’d want to exceed the minimum requirements.

Software Requirements: You’ll also need a valid Windows 10 product key to activate and use the operating system. You can buy Windows 10 Pro product key for $25/key (lifetime) here:

Additionally, ensure that your PC’s hardware drivers (graphics, audio, network, etc.) are compatible with Windows 10 to avoid compatibility issues after installation.

Tag: minimum required for windows 10, minimum requirements for windows 10, minimum system requirements for windows 10, minimum hardware requirements for windows 10

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