How to fix the error 0x80070490 Windows 11
What is Error Code 0x80070490?
Error Code 0x80070490 is a status that shows a corrupt file or file processing on the system. Any damage or corruption in component storage or services based on CBS components can sabotage windows updates.

How to fix the error 0x80070490 Windows 11
The simplest way to fix the error 0x80070490 is reintall Windows 11 without losing data.
Step 1: You download Windows 11 iso from Microsoft here:

Step 2: You open the Windows 11 iso file you downloaded. Then you click Setup file

Step 3: When you Windows ask setup key, you use one of these keys below:
- If you want to install Windows 11 Home, you use Windows 11 Home setup key: TX9XD-98N7V-6WMQ6-BX7FG-H8Q99
- If you want to install Windows 11 Pro, you use Windows 11 Pro setup key: W269N-WFGWX-YVC9B-4J6C9-T83GX
Note: If you can put these keys to select Windows 11 Home/Pro edition, you reinstall Windows 11 edition which you can reinstall

Done. You wait about 40 minutes to reinstall Windows 11 to fix the error 0x80070490 .